
buah merah
buah merah


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A Quality Commitment



Since many testimonies about intensity of pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) appeared, this products easily found everywhere. It is a good condition because the consumer easy to reach the products, but we should be skeptical punctilious in quality and originality of product so the consumer disappointed with the product that they bought.

1. Proceed from High Quality Raw Material
One factor which determined the quality of pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) is raw material. For this problem, our company establishes very strict standard. Pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) as raw material should come from upland (2000 m above sea level), that is from Tolikara area, Wamena, Jayawijaya mountain range -Papua. It is very important to process pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) from upland only because it has high active compound rather than pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) from lowland which has the lowest one.
Another important consideration is mature level of (red fruit / buah merah). MBM processes with the mature one only, that is .... months. The reason is only mature pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) has high and active compound completely.

2. Examined and Hygienic Processing Method
Good raw material has not guarantee for good oil yet because it still has to process with another good processing. Processing method we used to produce MBM is passing through several examinations process from pharmacist and research institutions. Processing is conducted in stage and carefully checked in order to keep the contents. Little failure in processing will cause fatal effect and damage of the active compound.
During processing, there is no hands contact for avoiding contamination. The device which is used always in sterilized condition in order to get hygienic product.
For final process, refining is conducted three times to determine retained oil without dregs.

3. Quality Control by the Expert
Each product is not packing directly. There is final examination conducted by Mr. Hendro himself. He is an expert in herbal treatment. He observes and conducts lighting test to the oil one by one to determine the purity of the oil extractation.
To keep quality of product, MBM never does recklessly. " This is about human life, so the quality and purity of product should be our priority," said Pak Hendro among his activities.

Not stop quckly, to protect the product quality MBM establishes collaboration with independence research institution such as LIPI to give objective assessment about the final product. MBM and LIPI are searching intensively about possible development in pandanous conoideus (red fruit / buah merah) oil. This is our commitment to develop new innovations which are very helpful for the consumers.

4. Registered at Depkes/ Department of Health, POM/ Indonesian Drugs and Food Administration and Ditjen HKI
As our moral responsibility for MBM's customer, our product has registered at authorized institution. MBM product in form of oil registered at DEP.KES.RI.P-IRT No. 2149112024. MBM Softcapsule registered with Reg. No. POM. TR 051 345 241. And for PCO has registered at Ditjen HKI No. P0020050049.


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Hak Cipta Tulisan Di Lindungi Oleh Hukum, dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi dari tulisan ini dalam bentuk apapun tanpa ijin tertulis dari Penerbit Penebar Swadaya , Segala Tindakan yang Melanggar akan di tuntut sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku.


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